More logic 1 to be shifted into the shift register. Push the pulser button several times to allow SW2 being at logic 1 clears all flip-flops. Connect L1–L4 to four LEDs (with current-limiting resistors), SW1 Use two 7474 dual flip-flops to connect a serial-in, parallel-out shift Students are expected to understand various data handling methods in shift A serial adder will be built in this experiment as an example. Therefore, serial computation is slower, but it has the advantage of requiring less hardware and wiring. Compared to parallel computation, where all bits in a word are processed at the same cycle, serial computation process words in one bit per cycle. One of the important applications of shift register circuits is in serial computation. Shift registers are classified according to three basic considerations: their method of data handling (serial-in serial-out, serial-in parallel-out, and parallel-in serial-out), their direction of data movement (shift right, shift left, and bidirectional), and their bit length. The output of a shift register can be observed one bit at a time at the serial output, but some shift registers also have parallel outputs for observing all n bits at once. Some shift registers also have parallel inputs that can be used to load all n bits in one clock cycle. One way to load n bits of data into the flip-flop chain is to load the data one bit each clock cycle using the serial input.